Wednesday 25 September 2013

Hello and Welcome!

Well hello everyone, thanks for stopping by my little slice of the web.

So who the hell am I? I am a 30something year old transsexual that has been living in Newfoundland all my life, save for a few years. I came out to my partner in May of this year, and to my parents shortly after. After those main people in my life knew my "big secret" it has been a process of letting others know, and slowly coming out of my shell.

I have been lucky, very lucky compared to other trans people. I came out to my family, friends, really everyone in my life, and I have had no negative responses. Many transsexuals lose their friends and family. I have had nothing but support from the people I care about. They say though that no transition is easy, and it has become apparent that I am my own worse enemy, years of hiding this from everyone including myself has done it's damage.

Both of those reasons is why I'm here. People blog, why do people blog? It's therapeutic, so there's that. Also, I know there are many people out there with no support, people who are too afraid to come out, or people who have and find themselves in the horrible situation of losing friends and/or family for wanting to be themselves. I don't mind answering questions, either in private or through this blog. Often though just reading that someone else is going through what you are going through, feeling the feelings you are feeling, can give you that little push to get through the day.

So again, welcome. I'll slowly start to figure this blog business out and I'll try to make it not look like crap too, promise. ;)

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